David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust

Our mission is to broaden the horizons of our pupils through the provision of a world-class education.

Career Development

Career Development

The David Ross Education Trust is proud of the professional development offered to its staff. This ensures we can support the aspirations of educationalists, leaders and support staff.

Our professional development has two overarching goals:

  • Ensuring that schools within the Trust are supported to achieve excellence
  • Supporting practitioners to deliver high quality teaching and learning
  • Working towards these two goals will help us to ensure that the outcomes for children are enhanced and that the capacity for school improvement is built upon.

Our professional development is a key driver for the school improvement work which occurs across the Trust. Academies have access to a range of bespoke and inclusive support that is provided as part of their commitment to the Trust.

Additional support can also be brokered by individual academies when it is required, from highly skilled and effective professionals. Furthermore, schools that are not part of the Trust have the opportunity to also seek support from the Trust and access its programmes.
